There was a time when “home automation” meant lying in bed and turning off the light using The Clapper. Now, modern Halifax homeowners can have lights, music, home theater, garage door operation, climate control, security systems, and more all controlled on a phone, iPad, or tablet. You can control as little or as much as you want to make your home more comfortable, more secure, and more convenient. If you are a senior who lives independently, a home automation system can enable you to live safely while assuring your kids that everything is under control.
Halifax Homeowners Love Home Automation Systems
While home automation may have started as a popular way to make life easier for people with disabilities, it is becoming popular with homeowners of all ages. Depending on how extensive your system is and what rooms it controls, a home automation system can:
– Increase the temperature in your home so that it is comfortable when you get home.
– Verify that you remembered to lock the back door and even lock it if you forgot.
– Let you know if you left the faucet running in the bathroom or if you have a leak in the basement.
– Close the shades and curtains at bedtime – and reverse the process in the morning and of course, turn off the lights.
You may already have appliances, sprinkler systems, and entertainment systems with built-in timers that employ some concepts of home automation. A home automation system takes things to the next level to coordinate what’s in your home with your arrival or departure. If any of your devices have remotes, a home automation system can control it all.
How Home Automation Systems Help Seniors
If you are a senior or have elderly parents you worry about many things and home automation systems offer many benefits. A home automation system lets you see or hear who is at the door, so you can sit on your couch and turn away unwelcome guests or even unlock the door for someone you want to let in.
With access to your login codes for the system, your kids can see that you are okay if your system is camera-enabled. The system will notify someone if you have intruders, smoke or fire, leaks, or other hazards.
Home automation systems can function like medical alert devices to let your kids know that you are okay or need help. You can even have your phone programmed to admit caregivers or call preprogram numbers if you need help.
You can schedule basic functions such as turning lights off or on, turning the thermostat up or down, or opening or closing shades and curtains. These features will not only help you remember routine tasks but make it easier if you have arthritis or some other condition that restricts your motion.
The system can even notify you if the door opens to alert you that someone is entering or leaving – an asset if someone in the home is prone to wandering.
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Is A Home Automation System Right For You?
Home automation systems vary in price according to how much they control. They can be valuable tools to assure your peace of mind whether you are a homeowner looking for convenience, a person looking out for an elderly relative, or a person others are concerned about. As you look at different systems, you will become more aware of what’s possible vs. what you want or need.
You need to be clear about your expectations and ask yourself a few questions. Is the system easy to use? Is it affordable? What features are “must-haves” and what are extras you’ll never use? Are you “techie” enough to be willing to give it a try? Does your home have enough electric capacity to sustain the system or do you need wiring upgrades?
As with any major purchase, shopping around is key. Since you can buy just what you need even on a low-budget, a home automation system can be a perfect solution that will keep you in your home.
Looking to sell your home? Give me a call today.

Roy Thomas SRES® (Senior’s Real Estate Specialist) is a REALTOR® with Sutton Group Professional Realty. Since 1991, Roy specializes in helping retirees with their later in life real estate transactions. Call Roy at 902-497-3031 or contact Roy here