Author Archive

Upgrade Your Halifax Home Before Selling to Maximize the Price

Upgrade Your Halifax Home Before Selling to Maximize the Price

I recently talked to a client who wanted to sell his family home. He had owned it since the 1970’s and it had not had many upgrades in years. He wanted to know what he should do to obtain the highest possible selling price. He was also wondering if it was worth his while to…

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Reduce The Volume Of Stuff Downsizing The Family Home

Reduce The Volume Of Stuff Downsizing The Family Home

If you are fortunate enough to have aging parents who still live in the family home, you know that the day will come when they will move out. Whether this occurs because of deteriorating health or death itself, you or someone in your family will need to consider what to do with years of accumulated…

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Ensure your house won’t create legal nightmares

Ensure your house won’t create legal nightmares

In my capacity as a real estate agent I have witnessed multiple legal nightmares due to senior homeowners not being properly legally prepared when normal life events like death or incapacitation occur. In one situation a retired man owned a home and his new wife had moved in. Unexpectedly he passed away. The house was…

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Is It Time to Downsize and lower your monthly expenses?

Is It Time to Downsize and lower your monthly expenses?

For most retirees, their biggest asset is their house. In many cases, it’s also their biggest expense. But unfortunately when it comes to retirement planning, the house is often the last item on the list of later in life changes. There are many reasons this happens. Emotion is a major one, it is a hard…

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10 Upsides of Downsizing and Rightsizing Your Life

10 Upsides of Downsizing and Rightsizing Your Life

Need a breathe of fresh air in your life? Consider downsizing both your space and your stuff. With less space and fewer possessions to worry about, you can spend less of your time and money caring for, cleaning, organizing, and maintaining things and focus on other priorities. 10 Reasons To Downsize Here are 10 reasons…

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Home Automation Systems Can Aid Senior Independence At Home

Home Automation Systems Can Aid Senior Independence At Home

There was a time when “home automation” meant lying in bed and turning off the light using The Clapper. Now, modern Halifax homeowners can have lights, music, home theater, garage door operation, climate control, security systems, and more all controlled on a phone, iPad, or tablet. You can control as little or as much as…

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