Archive For The “Articles” Category

One of the biggest questions I am asked by seniors is “When should I sell my home?” In reality this is usually two questions rolled into one. First is the question of “what time of year is best to sell” and the second is “based on our situation, when is the time for me /…

Some people will opt to buy a smaller home or condo, some others will decide to rent So the kids have moved out and now you have a lot of extra unused space I your home. You’re paying maintenance, heat, lights and taxes on a home that you may now only be using half to…

Many seniors are not changing their spending habits to match their coming reality At 65, will you still have a mortgage hanging over your head? Are you a Boomer over 50 who will still be making mortgage payment once you reach normal retirement age? If so, you’ll be like 35% of other senior homeowners, according…

One of the most important decisions you make when selling your home is setting the listing price. That can be tricky. After all, if you price your property too low, you leave money on the table — perhaps thousands of dollars. On the other hand, if you price your home too high, many buyers won’t…

As a senior who has decided to downsize into a smaller place or even assisted living, you’ve already made the hard decision to sell your Halifax home. The next set of difficult decisions involves what to take with you. In your new home, you won’t have the room for everything you own. Also, you have…