Archive For The “Articles” Category

When you list your home for sale, don’t overlook the importance of your exterior landscaping as a tool for increasing the volume of potential buyers and selling your home more quickly. In real estate, while you can’t always “tell a book by its cover,” having a home with curb appeal is more likely to get…

Most likely your home is your biggest asset. It’s also your biggest expense. Unfortunately, when it comes to retirement planning, the family home is often last on the list of later in life changes. There are many reasons for this delay Emotionally it’s difficult to let go of a home filled with memories. Moving can…

Need a change in your life? Consider downsizing with less space and fewer possessions. You can spend less time and money cleaning, organizing, and maintaining things and focus on other priorities. 10 Tips for Downsizing 1. Boomer and senior need less space. Large homes with multiple levels and a big yard represent your past, while…

The one thing that unites young buyers is they do not want to buy a place that looks old and dinghy and needs lots of unexpected, expensive repairs – regardless of when it was built. They are looking for something that allows them to move in and do minimal work to update the property. Making…

In our era of identity theft, title fraud costs Canadians $300 million annually. It’s a serious problem that often impacts older adults. What is Title Fraud? Title fraud occurs when someone other than the lawful owner transfers the property to themselves or obtains a new mortgage to pull cash out of the house. This leaves…

In our era of identity theft, title fraud costs Canadians $300 million annually. It’s a serious problem that often impacts older adults. What is Title Fraud? Title fraud occurs when someone other than the lawful owner transfers the property to themselves or obtains a new mortgage to pull cash out of the house. This leaves…