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Is your senior caregiver burning the candle at either end?

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1 1 Is your senior caregiver burning the candle at either end?

Consider hiring a professional caregiver to assist family members already burning the candle at both ends to provide a safe and caring environment.

I recently had a heart-to-heart conversation with a friend who spent 10 years as a caregiver for her aging and terminally ill mother. Her mother preferred not to hire a caregiver because she did not want a stranger at home. My friend cared for her mother without any additional assistance, until palliative care was her mother’s only option.

Our conversation was informative and at times disheartening to hear. One of the first things people say about aging in place is that it is less expensive than senior community living. There are more factors to consider when it comes to aging in place than cost benefit. For instance, your caregiver is putting themselves in a position of liability should the senior person become injured. The sole caregiver also places himself/herself at risk of burnout.

It is difficult to determine which aspect of caregiving without assistance took the greatest toll on my friends’ quality of life. There were not enough hours in a day to visit friends or socialize. It was difficult to leave the house for any length of time without worrying that her mother would come to some harm in her absence. My friend had no vacations or weekends to rest and relax.

My first question to my friend was, if you had assistance from a trained professional, what would you do with that free time? She answered that she would have taken a nap without hesitation. It was nearly impossible to obtain full night sleep. Her mother sometimes required assistance in the bathroom. No rest for the weary.

Caregivers’ burnout can lead to emotional and physical exhaustion. Loss of interest in previous hobbies. Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Changes in appetite and/or weight. Difficulty in concentrating and a lowered immune system result in sickness. Withdrawal from social interactions with friends, family, and other loved ones.

At the end of the conversation, my friend stated that she was very happy with her choice to help her mother age in place and remain at her home until it was no longer feasible, but help would have been appreciated. She said there were times when she had to be a caregiver first and a daughter second. As her mother’s condition worsened, she eventually became a caregiver. She had to bury her emotions or displeasure to maintain her mother’s well-being.

I think my friend did an incredible job of caring for her mother. Her experience has made me look at the subject of ageing in place in a new light. Caregivers also need care. Aging in place is a personal preference and a blessing when family can assist with daily needs, but at what cost to the relationship? I personally would hire a trained professional to assist my family members/caregivers so that they can also preserve their quality of life.

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4 Reasons Seniors Resist Moving To Retirement Community Living

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sad 4 Reasons Seniors Resist Moving To Retirement Community Living

Change can be difficult for us no matter our age, but selling the family home and moving to a new home can raise many concerns and fears. Younger seniors often dismiss the benefits of retirement community living because they may view retirement living as nothing more than a glorified nursing home with weekly bingo nights.   Understand that those fears and concerns require patience, reassurance, and information to become confident about moving to a new home environment.

 Below are 4 reasons you may be resistant, or your parents may be resistant to moving to a retirement community even when the move makes sense.

Retirement Community Living is a glorified nursing home.

 Retirement communities have changed and are not your grandparents nursing homes. Today’s seniors are active and want to live life to the fullest. Many retirement communities today have amenities, games rooms, dining rooms and theatres. Modern living spaces are geared towards comfort and safety. There’s nothing boring or old about retirement living today! Chances are opportunities for new friendships and new hobbies add to the vibrancy of life and healthy living.

Losing independence

The last thing we want in our senior years is to be told how to live life as we age. The fear of being a burden to family members and others is real!   The fear and unwillingness to hand over control of our lives to someone else can be daunting even when it makes sense.

There is an outdated perception that retirement communities equal losing independence and that is one of the biggest reasons seniors resist the move to the community. In reality, retirement communities help seniors gain independence, not lose it!  The change from maintaining a large home to a maintenance-free lifestyle will provide you with the freedom and time to do the things you enjoy most in life.

I want to Age-in-place in the Family home with my memories.

A family home is a place filled with joy and cherished memories but aging in the family home may not be a safe place to age in place. As the body’s joints become stiff and getting around the homestead becomes physically difficult, a single-story home built for aging in place is the safest option. Waiting too long to move could be inviting an accident.

The thought of moving is too overwhelming

 Downsizing and moving is a process allowing you to adjust to the transition. It can be difficult emotionally to sort through your personal items and furniture to decide what to keep and discard. No one likes moving and for a senior it can be even more difficult to pack items  and safely move boxes. Luckily, there are many professionals who can assist with the sorting, moving and helping you setup your new home. The sooner you start the process to move and put the stress behind you, the sooner you can start enjoying carefree living in an active retirement community that’s full of life and new friendships.

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8 Questions to ask your home Inspector before you seal the deal

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1 8 Questions to ask your home Inspector before you seal the deal

You have an accepted offer on a home and now its time for an inspection. Buying a home is probably the biggest investment you will ever make so it’s important to ensure it’s a good one. Make sure to hire a certified and insured inspector for your home inspection. They will provide you with a written report outlining any potential issues that will require repair.

 It’s highly recommended that you attend a home inspection so you can ask important questions about the condition of the home and any long-term issues that will need attention. The inspection will cover the condition of the structure, electrical, plumbing and roof. They will also check for water damage and fire or safety hazards in and around the home.

This article will cover questions you can ask the inspector, so you are sure your home is in good condition. 

A home inspection usually entails a roof inspection for condition of roof and shingles, flashing and chimney and gutters. They will check the exterior of your home, windows, doors and trim. They also check for structural issues, will explore crawlspaces, and check the attic for insulation and ventilation. 

The inspector will also check plumbing, visible pipes and plumbing fixtures. The electrical panel, outlets, switches, and any visible wiring. They will check your heating systems including visible ductwork. In addition, doors and windows will be checked to make sure they are operational. 

There are limits to what an inspector can check visually as he cannot cut holes in the walls. They will flag any potential problems in the report and advise you to check with another expert.

1. What is the age and condition of the roof?

A properly installed roof should last between 20 and 30 years. The roof is very important as it protects your home from weather, water, and intrusion of pests. Ask if there are any missing or broken shingles that need replacing or if sections of the roof are covered in moss or mold.

Trees should be at least 8 to 10 feet away from the property.  They can cause damage to the roof and the roots can cause structural damage to the home. Tree limbs can damage the roof and siding. Trees planted too close to the house can affect the foundation as the tree grows. Removing trees before they become a problem.

2. Does the house have good drainage?  

Inspectors examine the exterior first walking around the building identifying any issues with the driveway, structure, and brickwork or siding. They will also check for poor drainage or improper grading around the house. They may recommend that you change the grade of the soil surrounding the house to move water away from the foundation. 

A house with poor grading could have water penetration into the basement or crawlspace and this can cause damage to the foundation and structural integrity of the home. Will the nearby trees and plants cause problems later?

3. Is the house structurally sound?

The structural integrity of a home is one of the most important elements to ensure overall safety and future value. On the exterior you might see cracks bricks, in mortar, or bulging walls. 

Inside look for things like uneven floors, cracks in walls and windows and doors that don’t open and close properly. Some settling is natural and cracks in walls will occur, but cracks suggest foundation issues especially if seen on the second floor of a home.

4. What is the age and condition of the plumbing? 

The age and condition of the plumbing is very important and can be quite costly to replace. Is there any mold issues present from leaking pipes? Check exposed pipes for discoloration, flaking and symptoms of corrosion that can lead to leaks. 

Low water pressure can be an indication of a leak you cannot see. Discoloration of water is also a sign of corrosion. Lead pipes are durable and can last forever but can be a health hazard.

5. Do you see any evidence of water damage?

Your inspector will look for signs of water damage throughout the home. Water damage can affect a home in a variety of ways so it’s important that you know what caused the damage if found. 

A house that has water damage has a musty smell throughout. You may see mold or mildew or hear dripping sounds inside the walls. Water stains on the walls, ceiling or floors should be investigated. 

6. Is the electrical system adequate or does it need an upgrade?

Have your inspector check for shoddy wiring work done by the owner and not by an electrician. Faulty wiring causes electrical fires. Does the panel need an upgrade? Make sure the wiring is not outdated aluminum wiring or knob and tube. 

Make sure everything is up to code. Ask if  there are any potential electrical hazards?

7. Is the heating system working properly?

The heating system regulates the indoor temperature in your home. What is the age of the furnace? Has it been maintained, or should the furnace be replaced? Is the duct work in good condition and has it been maintained? Have the inspector show you how to operate the heating system. If you’ve never owned a home before you may not know how to operate or maintain a system. 

8. Is there anything I need to do once I move in?

The inspector’s report will usually make suggestions for things that need to be done in the first few months or within a couple of years. As a homeowner you should have a maintenance schedule to ensure your home’s systems stays in good working order.

In closing, keep an open mind regarding your home inspection. For every problem, there’s a solution. A home inspection deal breaker exists if you and the seller can’t come to an agreement on how to handle the repair issues. take into consideration whether or not the house is priced right for its current condition. 

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16 Things to Quickly Toss When Decluttering Your Home

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1 2 16 Things to Quickly Toss When Decluttering Your Home

If decluttering your home has been in the planning for some time, we have some tips to help you get started. These simple straight forward tips will provide you with some much-needed space and organization.

Old Movies collection, CD’s, Books, and mounds of paper

Sort through your old movie collection and consider keeping only your favorites. Thanks to the wide variety of streaming services, holding on to physical copies of movies has become redundant. Same can be said for CD’s and books. Reclaim your shelf space and get rid of books you wont read again and old cookbooks and magazines. Reduce the amount of paper in your home by going paperless if you haven’t already. Scan documents and pictures and shred what you don’t need.

 Forgotten hobbies or abandoned projects

Its best to dispose of leftover crafts, art or hobby supplies that are taking up space. If these supplies are in good shape, consider a donation to a worthy charity or sell the items yourself. The same can be said for any old furniture that you have been planning on refinishing. Reclaim that space!

Extra water bottles, lidless containers, scratched Teflon plans

It is important to keep hydrated as we age, however, water bottles can start to take up a lot of cupboard space. Do you have lidless containers? How about scratched Teflon pans? If you answered yes, it’s a good idea to toss them too. Teflon pans can be dangerous and be absorbed into your food if the pan is damaged.

Mismatched Linens

Sheets, pillows, and towels wear out over time. Get rid of any mismatched or threadbare items.

Cords to Nowhere

Time to tackle that mass of tangled cords. If you don’t know what they are or to what they belong, there’s no sense keeping them.

 Old Prescription  and prescription glasses

Disposal of unused or expired medication properly. Check with your pharmacist about their return policy for unused prescriptions. Do not flush or throw away unused medication. Are you keeping glasses with an outdated prescription? You can donate them to someone in need.

Clearing out your wardrobe and linens

It is a good idea to discard clothing that you will likely never wear again. Same can be said for accessories, jewelry, old make and beauty products.  These items can take up a lot of space. If you have old towels and linens, it’s a good idea to have them replaced and throw away the old.

Doing just a few of these things may motivate you to declutter other areas of your home like the kitchen and storage areas. Good luck with your decluttering projects.

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7 Tips For Investing in Your Mental, Emotional, and Physical Wellbeing As You Age

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3 7 Tips For Investing in Your Mental, Emotional, and Physical Wellbeing As You Age

It’s no secret that a heathy lifestyle can combat disease and maintain health and wellness as we age. Below are 7 tips to help guide you in your journey to a healthier you. Focus on improving lifestyle habits and enjoy what could be your healthiest year yet!

1. Importance of Good mental health and Positive mindset

1 1 7 Tips For Investing in Your Mental, Emotional, and Physical Wellbeing As You Age

Did you know that a positive attitude can reduce stress and boost your immunity? One way of improving our mindset is through gratitude. Writing down a couple of things that you are grateful for each day will help elevate your mood and start your day on the right foot.

Keep your mind exercised with puzzles, board games, cards and reading. Mental acuity is also an important part of aging and health. Regardless of one’s age it is important to seek help if you are struggling with mental health. A loved one or a trained professional can assist you with taking control of issues like grief, anxiety, and depression.

2. Get physically active.

2 1 7 Tips For Investing in Your Mental, Emotional, and Physical Wellbeing As You Age

Staying physically active helps maintain balance and mobility. Remember to consult your physician before starting a new exercise routine. At lease 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise is recommended. A brisk walk, swimming, gardening are forms of moderate exercise but try to incorporate strength training a couple times a week as well.

3. What are you eating?

3 7 Tips For Investing in Your Mental, Emotional, and Physical Wellbeing As You Age

A balanced diet and hydration are vitally important to maintain health as we age.
Eat whole foods instead of highly processed foods to provide necessary nutrients
needed by our bodies. Eating nuts, fruits, vegetables, eggs, healthy fats and proteins. Avoid things like refined grains, sugar, and seed oils such as canola, corn, cottonseed, grapeseed, soybean, sunflower, rice bran and peanut oils. Don’t forget to hydrate with at least 8 glasses of water daily.

4. stay socially connected with family and friends.

5 7 Tips For Investing in Your Mental, Emotional, and Physical Wellbeing As You Age

Maintaining communication with family and friends helps prevent a feeling of isolation for seniors. Many seniors are embracing video chat to see people they cannot visit on a daily basis or to virtually attend an event they might have otherwise missed. Keeping social provides mental and emotional stimulation. Pick up an old hobby or join a community group or local organization to stay connected.

5. Good night’s sleep

6 7 Tips For Investing in Your Mental, Emotional, and Physical Wellbeing As You Age

Each person requires a different amount of sleep. The recommended amount of sleep is  7 – 9 hours a  night. Sleep is so important for our systems such as immunity, cognitive and overall wellbeing. If you are having difficulty sleeping through the night contact your physician for a checkup. Improve the comfort level in your bedroom by adjusting light and temperature or reducing noise levels with heavier curtains in the bedroom.

6. Home safety

8 7 Tips For Investing in Your Mental, Emotional, and Physical Wellbeing As You Age

Take the necessary steps to remove tripping hazards that clutter up the home and cause life threatening falls. Install grab bars throughout the home like the bathroom. Update lighting and plug in night lights that are motion activated for better field of vision.

7. Medical checkups with your physician

9 7 Tips For Investing in Your Mental, Emotional, and Physical Wellbeing As You Age

Keep those physician appointments for health checkup and monitoring of any conditions you may have like blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol levels or detect a new condition in its early stages. Have your medications reviewed annually to prevent taking medication if it is no longer needed.

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Home safety Tips for Seniors Aging in Place

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1 Home safety Tips for Seniors Aging in Place

One reason for wanting to age in place is the connection to the home and memories as well as a strong connection to the community and neighbors. Aging in place can be a blessing in senior years but a home can present many dangers. Cost effective measures can be taken to make the home safer and more secure. Here are a few steps that you can take.

Medical alert monitor

Picture1 Home safety Tips for Seniors Aging in Place

Special monitors can be worn around the neck or wrist to call for medical assistance in an emergency. There are also sensors for turning on and off lights to aid maneuvering down a dark hall or staircase late at night. Motion detectors can be installed around the home and connected to an App on a caregiver’s phone. These devices can provide security and peace of mind for families who have seniors living alone.

Security Alarms

1 Home safety Tips for Seniors Aging in Place

Security alarms can be installed inside and outside the home to provide peace of mind against intruders. Security systems have changed a lot over the years and now offer many options for your personal needs. Cameras can be added to your home for increased security.

Modify the bathroom

Picture2 Home safety Tips for Seniors Aging in Place

Water on the floor can cause a dangerous fall. Grab bars will have to be installed around the bathroom to assist with standing, sitting, and showering. A grab bar installed horizontally around a bathtub helps prevent falls when trying to sit or stand in the bathtub.

A shower/bath chair and a handheld shower nozzle will also make bathing easier. Purchase a bath brush with an extended handle to aid in hard-to-reach places when bathing so you are not bending and stooping in the tub.


Picture3 Home safety Tips for Seniors Aging in Place

Decluttering the home is extremely important as storage boxes, magazines and large furniture can limit necessary movement about a room with a walker or wheelchair.

It may be difficult to part with collectibles and furnishings but remember these items can be passed along to family members, donated to community organizations. You can also pay to place these things in storage.

Making a few simple modifications to a residence can provide peace of mind for seniors living in place and the people who care about them.

Roy Thomas SRES® (Senior’s Real Estate Specialist) is a REALTOR® with Sutton Group Professional Realty. Since 1991, Roy specializes in helping retirees with their later in life real estate transactions. Call Roy at 902-497-3031 or contact Roy here

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