4 Reasons Seniors Resist Moving To Retirement Community Living

Change can be difficult for us no matter our age, but selling the family home and moving to a new home can raise many concerns and fears. Younger seniors often dismiss the benefits of retirement community living because they may view retirement living as nothing more than a glorified nursing home with weekly bingo nights.   Understand that those fears and concerns require patience, reassurance, and information to become confident about moving to a new home environment.

 Below are 4 reasons you may be resistant, or your parents may be resistant to moving to a retirement community even when the move makes sense.

Retirement Community Living is a glorified nursing home.

 Retirement communities have changed and are not your grandparents nursing homes. Today’s seniors are active and want to live life to the fullest. Many retirement communities today have amenities, games rooms, dining rooms and theatres. Modern living spaces are geared towards comfort and safety. There’s nothing boring or old about retirement living today! Chances are opportunities for new friendships and new hobbies add to the vibrancy of life and healthy living.

Losing independence

The last thing we want in our senior years is to be told how to live life as we age. The fear of being a burden to family members and others is real!   The fear and unwillingness to hand over control of our lives to someone else can be daunting even when it makes sense.

There is an outdated perception that retirement communities equal losing independence and that is one of the biggest reasons seniors resist the move to the community. In reality, retirement communities help seniors gain independence, not lose it!  The change from maintaining a large home to a maintenance-free lifestyle will provide you with the freedom and time to do the things you enjoy most in life.

I want to Age-in-place in the Family home with my memories.

A family home is a place filled with joy and cherished memories but aging in the family home may not be a safe place to age in place. As the body’s joints become stiff and getting around the homestead becomes physically difficult, a single-story home built for aging in place is the safest option. Waiting too long to move could be inviting an accident.

The thought of moving is too overwhelming

 Downsizing and moving is a process allowing you to adjust to the transition. It can be difficult emotionally to sort through your personal items and furniture to decide what to keep and discard. No one likes moving and for a senior it can be even more difficult to pack items  and safely move boxes. Luckily, there are many professionals who can assist with the sorting, moving and helping you setup your new home. The sooner you start the process to move and put the stress behind you, the sooner you can start enjoying carefree living in an active retirement community that’s full of life and new friendships.