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Whether or not a seller should renovate before the market depends on ROI and the position of your home in the current selling market. Sellers looking to reap as much money as possible from the sale of their home may be motivated to renovate. It’s best to consult with a Realtor before venturing into unknown…
If you’re browsing through you may notice the rise in house prices. With fewer houses on the market, and selling quickly. Many cities in Nova Scotia now have a sellers’ market. What is a sellers’ market? A sellers’ market happens when the demand for homes outweighs the supply. More factors than just inventory that…
Pests can be a big problem at any time of the year. Pests like insects, rodents, and wildlife can cause damage to your home and your family’s health. The cost of repairs can be very expensive. Combat unwanted infestation by being prepared with these easy tips and keep your home free of pest infestation for…
You are selling your most expensive belonging so protect yourself by knowing how to Avoid Costly Home Selling Mistakes and Sell For More Money. There are many home selling mistakes to be aware of. They can cost you thousands of dollars and many sleepless nights. Check out our free 29 Essential Tips That Get Homes…
Sellers that overprice their homes risk scaring away buyers who may think they are dealing with an unreasonable seller. Homes offered for a fair price, similar to comparables, will make buyers will feel better about making an offer. Pricing your home correctly is critically important to avoid buyer disappointment. “Homes priced right sell quicker…
First impressions are important and people develop a feel about a home quickly. Give homebuyers a good impression before they enter your home. Curb appeal matters and an exterior that needs work can repel a buyer before they enter your home. Here are Tips to make home buyers love your home on the spot. Don’t…