7 Tips For Investing in Your Mental, Emotional, and Physical Wellbeing As You Age

It’s no secret that a heathy lifestyle can combat disease and maintain health and wellness as we age. Below are 7 tips to help guide you in your journey to a healthier you. Focus on improving lifestyle habits and enjoy what could be your healthiest year yet!

1. Importance of Good mental health and Positive mindset

Did you know that a positive attitude can reduce stress and boost your immunity? One way of improving our mindset is through gratitude. Writing down a couple of things that you are grateful for each day will help elevate your mood and start your day on the right foot.

Keep your mind exercised with puzzles, board games, cards and reading. Mental acuity is also an important part of aging and health. Regardless of one’s age it is important to seek help if you are struggling with mental health. A loved one or a trained professional can assist you with taking control of issues like grief, anxiety, and depression.

2. Get physically active.

Staying physically active helps maintain balance and mobility. Remember to consult your physician before starting a new exercise routine. At lease 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise is recommended. A brisk walk, swimming, gardening are forms of moderate exercise but try to incorporate strength training a couple times a week as well.

3. What are you eating?

A balanced diet and hydration are vitally important to maintain health as we age.
Eat whole foods instead of highly processed foods to provide necessary nutrients
needed by our bodies. Eating nuts, fruits, vegetables, eggs, healthy fats and proteins. Avoid things like refined grains, sugar, and seed oils such as canola, corn, cottonseed, grapeseed, soybean, sunflower, rice bran and peanut oils. Don’t forget to hydrate with at least 8 glasses of water daily.

4. stay socially connected with family and friends.

Maintaining communication with family and friends helps prevent a feeling of isolation for seniors. Many seniors are embracing video chat to see people they cannot visit on a daily basis or to virtually attend an event they might have otherwise missed. Keeping social provides mental and emotional stimulation. Pick up an old hobby or join a community group or local organization to stay connected.

5. Good night’s sleep

Each person requires a different amount of sleep. The recommended amount of sleep is  7 – 9 hours a  night. Sleep is so important for our systems such as immunity, cognitive and overall wellbeing. If you are having difficulty sleeping through the night contact your physician for a checkup. Improve the comfort level in your bedroom by adjusting light and temperature or reducing noise levels with heavier curtains in the bedroom.

6. Home safety

Take the necessary steps to remove tripping hazards that clutter up the home and cause life threatening falls. Install grab bars throughout the home like the bathroom. Update lighting and plug in night lights that are motion activated for better field of vision.

7. Medical checkups with your physician

Keep those physician appointments for health checkup and monitoring of any conditions you may have like blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol levels or detect a new condition in its early stages. Have your medications reviewed annually to prevent taking medication if it is no longer needed.